Tag: pricing

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The Value of a Value Chain

IKEA’s product line includes about 9,500 products, and each year they introduce about 200 new products to that line. So how do they do it? How do they provide quality home furnishings at an affordable price? The IKEA process has been a source of intrigue for business strategists for years. This is partially due to their transparency with their mission, vision, value chain, and democratic design.

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Coca Cola glass bottle tops

A Coke is a Coke is a Coke

Mexican Coke, sometimes called “Mexi-Coke,” has become somewhat of a phenomenon in the United States. So, what makes Mexican Coke so much different than the fizzy drink bottled here? There are a few potential explanations, but the most popular explanations are the use of sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and the return to the traditional glass Coke bottle.

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Shifting Tastes in the World of Wine

While there are often strict regulations surrounding the sale of liquor, beer and wine sales are more lenient. That’s an entire audience of consumers who might prefer higher alcohol content and the accompanying burn but who cannot purchase their drinks of choice as easily as they might purchase a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer.

Many wineries have begun to capitalize on this, repositioning themselves through product and process alterations. How? They’re aging their wines in spirit barrels.